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After experiencing the support of 4Life products for myself, I asked my enroller to tell me more about how I could share 4Life supplements with others. She explained that by sharing 4Life products, my husband and I could help transform the lives of others and generate income for ourselves. From that moment on, I put my faith in the 4Life mission. I was convinced that I could impact many lives.*
Every night, my husband and I evaluate the day’s activities and analyze the work we’ve done to reach our dreams. Our next goal is to become Gold International Diamonds. I tell my team members that motivation and dedication are the pillars to achieve our collective goal of “Together, Building People®.”
The most important lesson we’ve learned from 4Life is that we cannot stop serving our fellow men. We’re thankful to God and Founders David and Bianca Lisonbee for this opportunity. We are also grateful for each leader on our team and the mentors who have given us unconditional support.
>>FDA Disclaimer: These statements… These products…<<